In life, if you observe we are fighting to earn money and more money. We are not observing TIME, which is most important part of our LIFE cycle. Here, you want to know, WHY to manage TIME?
First think about, why we need to concentrate on earn and earn? and have no time to spend. Why we don’t observe time? What’s the use to earn which we can’t spend. Personally, feeling of mine is we waste most of our life time to think about to earn. In spite to think about, how to spend that earn?
If i observed or say what i saw since from childhood, how my elders are worked. Most of time they spent to earn. Spending lot of time in office or say dedicated to work. I neither agree or disagree it’s fruitful. Question comes up in your mind how it’s fruitful?

Elders Time Management
I saw my elders dedications of work, which make them happy to serve. My point is different on this, i will say dedication to work at limit is happiness. Work is never ending game of life.
My elders did spent about 10-16 hours a day to job, sadly same i am following now. I can’t be much fruitful by spending this much time for a job. It built aggression in me. To take out this aggression we look out for options. Which ever option we got at first, we took out aggression.
Solution for Time Management
To find out some good solution, i come with plan out TIME TABLE to make my life in some smoothness. Percentage to achieve with this time table is 90% to make me useful in some other part of my life outside official work.
Please make TIME TABLE for your life to bring usefulness or i will say happiness in life. If need help to manage time. Please drop a mail
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