Tag Archives: beard

LetsShave Multi-Care Beard Pen Styler & Trimmer for Men

Thing not Returnable!!!

The LetsShave Beard Pen-Styler is a manual trimmer for Men that makes individual prepping delicate, simple and moderate. The trimmer’s hardened steel single cutting edge fine edge rapidly and effortlessly evacuates undesirable hair on the body regions, for example, nose, arms, chest, underarms and even touchy territories. It can style and trim your facial hair and sideburns to give you a wide range of looks only the manner in which you need. The one of a kind sharp edge fine edge for delicate cutting and less aggravation with a spotless, smooth feel, particularly on more delicate and touchy zones of the body. The pen-molded smooth, thin plan with chrome elastic grasp handle permits you to rapidly and effectively move the trimmer over the body and in difficult to-arrive at territories.

  • The trimmer conveys an exact and simple cutting experience without the requirement for various separate connections.
  • No compelling reason to apply shaving cream.
  • No need of batteries, no compelling reason to charge and not any more tangled ropes.
  • Simple to keep up and Travel inviting.
  • Waterproof-Easily launderable to look after cleanliness.
  • Tempered steel sharp edge
  • The trimmer sharp edge is made of top notch tempered steel. It has a fine serrated edge intended to catch and trim hair while additionally assisting with decreasing skin disturbance. This component forestalls pulling and pulling.
  • Chrome elastic hold handle
  • Simple to-hold, Pen-formed structure makes individual prepping easy and exact. The trimmer’s smooth handle and chrome elastic hold let you move and control cutting toward any path with simply your fingertips.
  • Skin-accommodating
  • The sharp edge’s skin-defensive fine edge framework guarantees delicate cutting solace and ideal outcomes. High-productivity sharp edge catches and trims undesirable body hair while likewise forestalling skin disturbance and requires no grease.

No upkeep
The trimmer conveys an exact and simple cutting experience without the requirement for various separate connections. No need of batteries, no compelling reason to charge and not any more tangled strings. Simple to keep up and Travel cordial. Waterproof. Effectively launderable to look after cleanliness.
Can be utilized on nose, arms and sideburns
The smooth formed trimmer sharp edge makes spotless, happy with preparing simple, particularly in difficult to-reach and trim territories like the nose. It can likewise be utilized to style the sideburns.
Can be utilized on underarms and chest
The exceptional pen-molded trimmer head makes prepping simple particularly in difficult to-arrive at territories, for example, the armpits. Blend of long hair and perspiring in the underarms may make microbes discharge a terrible smell. Cutting is a friend in need.
Can be utilized on back of the neck and back
The rear of the neck territory may turn out to be very raucous and take on a crude appearance. You can have another person trim it for you utilizing this trimmer or you should stand confronting endlessly from the principle mirror and position the swing ceaselessly with the goal that you can see the rear of your neck reflected from the bigger mirror and trim.
Can be utilized on delicate territories
Tip-Since hair down there are coarser and have more twist to them, it’s simpler for the hair to twist over into the skin and cause an ingrown hair. This delicate zone is additionally inclined to tingling so shaving it off totally may be a poorly conceived notion. Trim hair to a short length to maintain a strategic distance from expected ingrown hair and still forestall horrendous smell.

How to trim and style your facial hair?
This LetsShave Beard Pen-Styler manual trimmer has a sharp single cutting edge with a fine edge to convey a problem free trim to style your whiskers and stubble.
It successfully trim every hair forestalling skin bothering.
Cutting edge remains additional sharp, so our item is consistently prepared to utilize.

How to Use?
Ensure your face is perfect and dry. No shaving cream is required.
Hold the Pen Styler at 45-degree edge and begin cutting with light and delicate strokes.
Use Pen Styler tenderly as though you are simply contacting your skin.
You can likewise utilize your free hand to pull your skin rigid as you trim—this may make cutting the hair simpler.
After, you’re done, use LetsShave liquor free, alleviating and quieting Aftershave moisturizer.
How to utilize Pen-Styler to evacuate body hair?
You can not just delicately and effectively trim and style your facial whiskers and eyebrow yet you can likewise trim undesirable hair on your underarms, chest, arms, back of the neck, and the back with no scratches, trims or wounds.

How to utilize?
Ensure the territory is spotless and dry. No shaving cream is required.
Hold the Pen Styler at 45-degree edge and begin cutting with light and delicate strokes.
Use Pen Styler tenderly as though you are simply contacting your skin. Let the cutting edge carry out its responsibility.
You can likewise utilize your free hand to pull your skin rigid as you trim, this may make cutting the hair simpler.
After, you’re done, use LetsShave liquor free, alleviating and quieting Aftershave moisturizer.

How to utilize Pen-Styler on touchy zones?
Hair development down there may cause a disagreeable smell. This is a decent alternative in the event that you would prefer not to shave totally yet need to keep the hair negligible. As shaving totally may cause tingling, bothering, rashes, knocks, and ingrown hair. This Pen styler will trim your hair down to a short length with the goal that you despite everything have full hair inclusion however a lot shorter hair.

How to utilize?
Stand upstanding, hold the Pen Styler in your predominant hand and trim through the pubic hair toward development which is normally descending. Accept delicate strokes as though you are simply contacting the skin with the styler. After, you’re done, use LetsShave liquor free, alleviating and quieting Aftershave salve.
You can likewise utilize your free hand to pull your skin rigid as you work, this may make cutting the hair simpler.
Tip-Don’t trim hair excessively near your pubic skin, either. This is a simple method to inadvertently cut yourself.